This is why, after 8 hours of work at a desk — and before dinner, followed by another few hours of work at a desk — I’m lying down. At least that’s what I tell myself.

Why Sitting May Be Bad for Your Brain (New York Times)

Random photo: Preschooler in papier-mâché, Elmhurst, IL, April 2012. 📷

Adding to the bucket list: a pilgrimage to Ben’s Chili Bowl.

Sixty years of D.C. history and culture, slathered in chili (Washington Post)

Another snack obsession I brought back from Canada, along with “all dressed” potato chips and Tim Hortons Canadian maple doughnuts. Surprised I didn’t have to pay Customs duty for the extra belly fat I carried over the border. 📷

“Once I filled out all the note cards, I could tell by the depth of the stack that these flash pieces wanted to be a book …”

How I wrote my memoir, one notecard at a time (LitHub)

How to raise an optimistic human in a pessimistic world (Common Sense Media)

Has social-media usage around the world peaked? (Globe & Mail)

The more I explore and play in this space, the more I realize this is kind of how I hoped Tumblr would be. Except here, the most active people appear to be grownups who know how to spell.

Random photo: Kenosha, WI, September 2016. 📷

A testy Anglophile American just accused me of being “provincial” because I called British punctuation usage from the 1950s (i.e., spaces on both sides of a colon) “arcane.”

I’m an editor who makes a living enforcing American English. I’m okay with “provincial.”

For me, micro blog = outlet. If conversation happens, that’s fine, too.

Someday, I will be fully caught up on sleep.

Barack Obama’s summer reading list is everything we need right now (Washington Post)

Our recent travels included a stop at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY. I’m finding a ton of pix I never posted anywhere. Here’s two. Tickled to learn that the Cubs “borrowed” old Comiskey Park for the 1918 World Series versus the Red Sox. 📷

“Belongingness” is an actual word. I’m going to be in the fetal position under my desk for the rest of the day if anyone needs me.

Given my postings thus far, perhaps it goes without saying that one of my favorite subreddits is the r/BenignExistence space.

Can’t seem to shake exhaustion, head/body aches, and mild nausea. I blame much of my wear and tear on the satisfying-but-physically-wearing cleanup work yesterday at our parish, but it can’t be all that. I was gonna get to some office work tonight, but that ain’t happening.

U.S. border crossing, Detroit, one week ago:

Customs guy: “Where’d you come from?”

Husband (for once not trying to be funny): “Canada.”

Fortunately, our Customs guy had a sense of humor.

This was us a week ago, ending a weeklong jaunt through New England, Quebec, and southern Ontario. Road trips are exhausting, but I wouldn’t mind still traveling right now. 📷

Napped away most of my Sunday afternoon. I’d like to think I’m too old to feel guilty about that.

Just saw a reference to this place as the “Indie Web rabbit hole.” Sounds about right. Need to explore more, but not until one more errand and (more importantly) a nap.

Nothing like coming home after a morning of washing pews and dusting an old church, only to discover pet vomit and a kitchen table to clean.

Reading: “The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August” by Claire North.

Started it at the behest of my nephew while I was on vacation. I’m not as much of a fiction reader as I used to be, but this one sucked me in — but I haven’t had time to catch up since I got back to work. 📖

It’s my first weekend home in two weeks. Yet I ended up a lot more booked this weekend than I had hoped. Still hoping for some time to read and relax, as I did very little reading and relaxing over vacation.

Finally checking out this space. (Blame all the Twitter pitches about it from @ayjay.) Also, Twitter added to its annoyance factor by monkeying around with Tweetbot. So, I’m done there for now.

Why, it’s so peaceful here. And it’s not teeming with rage.

I’m … I’m stunned.