Another Saturday, another morning of listening to “Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me!” repeatedly, especially if it’s a particularly hilarious episode. This week’s show with guest Jon Hamm is one of those. Thank God for the TuneIn app and podcasts.

It seems really wrong — and certainly inconvenient — to love sleep more than anybody else in my household.

I don’t have the stomach for social media conversing at the moment. Meanwhile, I’m just going to leave this right here.

Cokie Roberts: Kavanaugh supporters ignore women’s voices at their own peril (ABC News)

Close to wrapping up another nonstop work week. Tonight is the first night this week I get to go to bed without opening the laptop.

Life’s little joys become even littler as one gets older, I guess.

I was in high school and college in the 1980s. I didn’t learn until 10 years ago how much hardcore partying went on at my high school. All the recent buzz about 1980s teen party culture makes me doubly happy that I missed out.

“The pancakes are cold because I took too long to select an Instagram filter. I will eat them to punish myself.”

A day in the life of a social media influencer (McSweeney’s)

Weird how coworkers who complain of childish behavior in the workplace are often the coworkers who create the most drama in the workplace.

I need to recheck my 401(k) and pension accounts.

“There are many things that would be lost if we slowly lose the cognitive patience to immerse ourselves in the worlds created by books and the lives and feelings of the ‘friends’ who inhabit them.”

What does immersing yourself in a book do to your brain? (LitHub)

One word, according to this writer: Stoics. (Paging @paulcraig901.)

Catastrophe overload? Read philosophers and poetry instead of headlines (The Conversation)

The only thing that really compels me to post on Twitter and Facebook these days: a daughter’s pride in her slime creations. 🤨

In lieu of homework, F and I made shimmery golden slime, which looks much more shimmery and golden than it does in these photos. F modified a basic recipe with metallic powdered pigment. We assure you that no photobombing cats were harmed in the making of this slime.

“… other newbies include: aquafaba, beatdown, zomboid, twerk, sheeple, wayback, bokeh, botnet, emoji, facepalm, frowny, hivemind, puggle and nubber.”

Scrabble adds 300 new words to US version of game (BBC News)

My friend Gayle has a sweet sideline as a dog sitter. Frannie and I got to hang with her and her two newest clients today. 📷

It’s a new frontier in homiletics when the priest uses the word “frenemy” in a sermon.

Pokémon Go had its monthly Community Day today. We joined the hordes of players wandering through Wilder Park and the adjacent Elmhurst College campus in search of the prized shiny version of the Pokémon called Chikorita. Frannie caught 10; I caught three.

“All God wants of man is a peaceful heart.” — Meister Eckhart

The Reinhold Niebuhr monument at Elmhurst College shares space this weekend with a sukkah adorned with symbols and messages of peace. Chag Sameach to those who celebrate.

Grateful for seasonal cool weather after several hot and humid days. (Hoodie weather! Woo-hoo!) Even more grateful for a weekend after another long week.

Unfortunately, this feels very familiar. And as my daughter enters the tween years, this alarms me all the more.

How Puberty Kills Girls’ Confidence (The Atlantic)

Gives new meaning to the term “lobster pot.”

Lobster pound owner thinks she has a kinder ‘exit strategy’ for her lobsters: Get them stoned (Portland Press Herald)

This appears to dovetail a bit with Ross Douthat’s recent column on conservatism after Christianity.

Emily Ekins: The Liberalism of the Religious Right (N.Y. Times)

Random photo: Punta Gorda, FL, March 2006. 📷

I don’t watch awards shows much, but I have managed to replay the video of Glenn Weiss' proposal to his girlfriend on last night’s Emmys about 10 times this morning. Thank God I bought all that Hello Kitty tissue the other day.

At last, I have reached the Pokémon Go mountaintop.

“… for a growing number of users – and mental health experts – the very positivity of Instagram is precisely the problem.”

Instagram is supposed to be friendly. So why is it making people so miserable? (Guardian)

Been rooting around Etsy for typewriter ribbons and now I’m jonesing for a second typewriter — one with cursive type. I blame the growing typewriter tribe here, including @paulcraig901, @grayareas, and @rnv.