So sorry to see this. Sometimes his paraphrase of the Bible, The Message, made me wince after being used to older translations, but it never failed to help my understanding of scripture.

Eugene H. Peterson, 85, scholar turned homespun pastor, dies (N.Y. Times)

Yeah. It’s been a work day.

“Despite a long-standing and well-crafted reputation for being the nicest place on the internet, to many of its users … Instagram doesn’t feel very kind at all.”

Instagram has a massive harassment problem (The Atlantic)

Playing with filters over an early dinner.

A lovely day for apple picking in Woodstock, Illinois.

“The three teams that are left besides us have all been there, done that. We haven’t been … so it’ll be a nice change.”

Ignore the haters, quirky Milwaukee Brewers are team baseball should love (USA Today)

I may or may not have felt a snowflake on my person as I checked the mail just now.

Sometimes this place feels like group therapy for social media recovery. It’s had an effect: I’ve found my online habits have changed dramatically in recent weeks. It’s been very cleansing.

Social media dieting (

Oh, today was downright breathtaking in its craptasticness. And if that’s not a word, then dammit, I’m making it a word.

So, the husband crossed the border into Wisconsin on his rounds yesterday. We’re ready to root for the Brewers this weekend.

Guessing that what I’m feeling right now, as a native of San Diego and former NFL fan, is how Baltimore Colts fans felt about Bob Irsay’s passing.

Chargers owner Alex Spanos dies at 95 (USA Today)

It did my heart good to see this in the Times on this crummy morning. Except for the “handwritten” part (because my handwriting is terrible), I’m all in.

We Could All Use a Little Snail Mail Right Now (The New York Times)

I really didn’t need to read this before bedtime.

Smartphone robot finger lets devices crawl and touch users (The Independent)

Also, the podcast episode serves as my de facto Micro Monday recommendation of @ayjay, whose frequent pitching of finally nudged me over here. Blame him.

Had a great time talking to @macgenie for the latest Micro Monday podcast. She made the whole interview thing fun and relaxing. And she deftly edited my nervous babbling down to something halfway coherent. Thanks, Jean!

Why do I always sound like I have a cold?

Bookmarking this long read for later. Welcome to my world as an editor.

From inboxing to thought showers: how business bullshit took over (Guardian)

Interesting side effect (I hesitate to say “benefit”) of watching the Dodgers-Braves game: seeing political ads targeted to voters in California and Georgia.

In a rare moment, I just tweeted. The only time I tweet nowadays is at my 10-year-old’s behest to declare Pokémon Go accomplishments.

No reason to leave out. Here’s Mew.

Wrote my first letter on the new typewriter. I’ve missed you, snail mail.

Buttercream and butterscotch flavors swirled together. No actual beer was harmed in the production of this very fine ice cream.

Time to take a backhoe to the home office and clear out space for the new typewriter. Pray for me.

Analysis: Senators representing less than half the U.S. are about to confirm a nominee opposed by most Americans (Washington Post)

Happy to know F can keep herself occupied when I’m in the middle of something. Behold, the “doughnut pumpkin.”

F is home from school today (“institute day” for teachers). I’m in my office on a conference call, and I can hear her typing away on the new typewriter. I suspect she’s typing me hate mail for making her clean her room an hour ago.

I didn’t have time to clear off the kitchen table for this, but I don’t care. Just installed a new ribbon and typed a few lines. It’s downright dreamy.