Me: “Looks like Air Force One is gonna carry Bush’s casket to Washington.”

Husband: “Does that mean they’re leaving Trump in Argentina? I’d be okay with that.”

School canceled tomorrow. That “Yay” I heard in the next room was not unexpected.

Aaaand we’ve now a blizzard warning in DuPage County. Whee.

Coming up at the top of the hour on the Weather Channel: “Dead of Winter: The Donner Party.” Interesting approach to counter programming as a blizzard approaches.

Blizzard warning! It’s a thing just west of here. (We just have a “winter storm warning.” Also exciting.) Barring a tree landing on our house or something, I’m incredibly excited about hunkering down for this.

Experienced my first service—a funeral, sadly—in an African-American Baptist church. Blown away by the spirited worship and (yes, even at a funeral) joy. My sedate Catholic Anglican parish is going to feel a lot weirder tomorrow.

The funniest thing about this (to me, anyway) is the option to hide the packaging that reveals what’s inside. You know, in case it spoils the Christmas surprise for your dog.

Time for my traditional Day of Avoidance. Staying away from retail and opting to clean up the home office and purge. Hoping the crowds aren’t too terrible around Goodwill for a big dropoff before the end of the weekend.

Dog, shaved. Note the turkey theme on the collar. And Petco wasn’t open yet, so it was too early to get him a sweater.

Retrieved the dog from his quarterly shave at the groomer’s. My reward of a Starbucks tall peppermint mocha is hitting the spot about now, despite Winslow’s refusal of a puppaccino (shot glass of whipped cream) in favor of a taste of my breakfast sandwich.

Despite my flu shot last month, I’m feeling fluish these past few days (tremendous fatigue, headache, body aches, sore throat, nausea). Not hungry for anything but All-Dressed Ruffles. Must be a Canadian virus.

Let’s see: Get ahead of my workload tonight or pass out after a week of “getting ahead of my workload” every night this week?

Passing out. I can wrap up work for the week tomorrow.

The ultimate purpose of social media really should be to post old video of David Letterman sharing a satellite feed of Roy Clark washing his truck. Rest in peace, Roy.

Breakfast with friends, lunch with friends, Pokemon Go Community Day wandering with family. Doesn’t sound like much, but it was a full day for me.

“Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat are no longer adding new users in the United States.” Pity.

Social media growth is over in the U.S. — which is its most valuable market (Recode)

Always happy to feed the neighborhood wildlife.

I was hoping for a distraction from politics today, but this isn’t what I had in mind. Sad to see this.

Blackhawks fire coach Joel Quenneville (Chicago Tribune)

It’s important.

Winslow likes toys that aren’t his.

“So, all this stuff about black cats being bad is pretty much cat racism.” — F. Buxton, age 10

I was never into Halloween as a kid. And nothing against those who celebrate, but I’m a little weirded out by how much grown-ups are a LOT more into it now than I remember when I was my daughter’s age.

I, too, once thought the Internet would make people smarter and better informed.

Kara Swisher: I Thought the Web Would Stop Hate, Not Spread It (N.Y. Times)

“Silence is God’s first language. Everything else is a poor translation.”

Rev. Thomas Keating, Pioneer in Contemplative Movement, Dies at 95 (N.Y. Times)

I’m no Dodgers fan, but I applaud Rich Hill for speaking up: “The focus, in my opinion, of the president is to be on the country, and not on moves that are made in a World Series game.”

Dodgers' Rich Hill rips Trump: ‘There was a mass shooting yesterday’ (L.A. Times)

Husband just asked whether she’ll be buried in a Pyrex casket.

Dorcas Reilly, Creator of the Classic American Green-Bean Casserole, Dies at 92 (N.Y. Times)