The husband has to wear a tie for the job he started last week. He decided that if he has to, so does the dog.
The husband has to wear a tie for the job he started last week. He decided that if he has to, so does the dog.
February photoblogging challenge, Day 10: SIGN. #mbfeb
I think I just saw a hockey player spit out a tooth. For some reason, that makes me feel better about my decision not to bother with the Oscars on TV tonight.
I had to hear a stemwinder of a homily this morning that tried at length, and unsuccessfully, to connect the “salt and light” theme of the Gospel reading with cured meats. Grateful that I was able to go to a vigil Mass yesterday with a sermon that was, uh, clearer.
“For someone who is progressive on most issues, this decision doesn’t come easy.” I feel you, Charles Camosy.
Bonus post! More for the February photoblogging challenge, Day 9: LULL. Because you can never have enough lulls on a Sunday.
February photoblogging challenge, Day 9: LULL.
Another reason I still have a Twitter account: Out of Context Beavis and Butthead.
Example No. 2,694 of why my husband doesn’t trust me with grocery runs.
February photoblogging challenge, Day 8: CONTRAST.
Bonus image for the February photoblogging challenge, Day 7: ABOVE.
The BBC on cyberloafing: “… is it possible to establish exactly how much time spent surfing online rejuvenates, without tipping over into slacking off?”
I hope so, she said during a brief cyberloafing break.
If this happens, does this mean I’d run into presidential candidates at Portillo’s or the local Jewel every few days after the midterms?
In The Onion, sometimes just a headline and a photo are all you need.
February photoblogging challenge, Day 7: ABOVE. (I’ll probably have a bonus shot for this one today. Stay tuned.)
Rough morning at the home office. Making up for it with leftovers. This, friends, is what people in and around Chicago actually eat — as opposed to that touristy deep dish business.
Latest headline from the WashPost: “President lashes out at Democrats as ‘corrupt people’ at National Prayer Breakfast.”
Speechless. I only wish some were similarly so.
February photoblogging challenge, Day 6: PLANT.
Michael Pollan: “(Caffeine is) so pervasive that it’s easy to overlook the fact that to be caffeinated is not baseline consciousness but, in fact, is an altered state.”
February photoblogging challenge, Day 5: HIDE.
The Onion: “DNC Offers Startup $500 Million To Develop Pencil That Can Accurately Record Election Results”
February photoblogging challenge, Day 4: SPOT. (Sorry. Best I could do from my photo stockpile.)
Bonus February photoblogging challenge entry! Day 3: REFLECT.
(I knew I downloaded this from my files for a reason.)
I’ve set up a category on the old blog where the February photoblogging challenge posts can be found. #mbfeb
February photoblogging challenge, Day 3: REFLECT.