February photoblogging challenge, Day 26: ESCAPE.

February photoblogging challenge, Day 26: ESCAPE.
Paczki Day! Waited almost an hour for these, even though I preordered (but didn’t prepay — will do this next year, God willing).
February photoblogging challenge, Day 25: HURDLE.
February photoblogging challenge, Day 24: DOUBLE.
Overheard during the Cubs-Dodgers rebroadcast: “The Padres, sooner or later, are going to be really good.”
As a San Diego native, I find this both vaguely heartening and rather hysterical.
On the Catholic blog: Pride in the name of Lent? Find more at rosa-mystica.cc.
Dog paczki procured: two each of chicken, peanut butter, and Boston (terrier) cream (yogurt, goat milk, and pumpkin). Not shown: maple bacon, which both dogs sucked down this afternoon. Paczki for human consumption coming Tuesday.
Looking for my first few February photoblogging challenge entries on the blog? Find them here.
February photoblogging challenge, Day 23: STATION. Summer at the book fair; Chicago, Illinois, circa 2012.
So, apparently the new Marquee Sports Network hasn’t figured out how to align its audio with its video. It’s like watching an old dubbed Godzilla movie.
At least Mark Grace has work again, albeit as a lousy ventriloquist with the MSN audio issue.
February photoblogging challenge, Day 22: SPECTACLE. At least this passes for a spectacle at our house.
“As part of a far-reaching social media strategy, the Bloomberg campaign has hired hundreds of temporary employees to pump out campaign messages through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.”
This has been the longest short work week ever.
“‘Eh,’ that classic Canadian expression … is the northern lights of this country’s speech: It’s culturally important, it’s out there somewhere, but it’s not as easy to find as legend suggests.”
Paczki order (the kind for human consumption, not the dog stuff I ordered earlier this week) placed for 7 a.m. pickup on Fat Tuesday. If I am not considered an official Chicagoland resident by now, I’m hoping this makes it so.
February photoblogging challenge, Day 21: PROGRESS. According to my daughter (this might have been second or third grade), footwear development denotes progress.
RIP, Nurse Kellye: “I think I was in every scene, because I put myself in every scene and nobody told me to get out."
“A company led mainly by Democrats … repeatedly has tilted rightward to deliver policies, hiring decisions and public gestures sought by Republicans, according to current and former employees and others who have worked closely with the company.”
February photoblogging challenge, Day 20: SCALE. As in, image perhaps NOT to scale. (At this point, I’m just trying too hard.)
I don’t know whether Bloomberg is electable. But so far, he doesn’t seem terribly likable.
I have placed my order for dog paczki before Paczki Day arrives on Tuesday. If you are in the Chicago area, you can do the same for your pooch.
“An email to local media from P.U.T.I.N., an acronym for Pigeons United To Interfere Now …, said the project was an ‘aerial protest piece’ that came after months of ‘exhaustive research, logistical hurdles and pigeon care taking.'”
“…since his acquittal two weeks ago, analysts say, the president has taken a series of steps aimed at showing that, essentially, he is the law.”
Is it too early to start drinking?
February photoblogging challenge, Day 19: SPACE. (Insert sophomoric humor here.) #mbfeb
C and I were recounting a visit to a Catholic shrine in Paris that I barely remembered, though there was a saint there in a clear casket.
The husband, a lapsed Methodist, recalled more than I did. How? I asked. He looked at me, dumbfounded.