Got this yesterday. Hoping this exempts me from exposure to campaign ads for the rest of the season. (And thank you to my poll-working spouse for hand-delivering my ballot to the county election commission the other day.)

The mail came today.

Chris came home today after finally wrapping up his Census gig in Des Moines. He arrived with gifts.

There was actually a time when I listened to Rush Limbaugh.

More than 20 years ago, I was dating someone who found Limbaugh entertaining and not as awful as the media made him out to be. (He also thought Newt Gingrich to be an innovative thinker, and that health care was not a right.) So, I tuned in every weekday afternoon for a time, and I did find him somewhat entertaining at first. He seemed to be outrageous for its own sake, like Howard Stern or (another radio personality I listened to regularly at the time) Don Imus. Eventually, though, I realized how much of a repulsive one-note wonder he really was, and tuned out.

I no longer speak to the guy who introduced me to Rush Limbaugh. When I see my ex online at all, he’s usually talking about basketball. I’m almost afraid to find out where he is politically now.

I have family members who text in ALL CAPS as a matter of course, and I generally ignore their texts. I would suggest this approach when it comes to Twitter, too.

What the 12-year-old does on her phone these days.


Winslow is all of us.

Baseball always helps when the state of the nation leaves one anxious.

This morning, I taught Frannie the word “schadenfreude.”

Rambling conference call on a Friday afternoon when you have a head cold < ramming white-hot steel pokers in both eyes

Last week: apple picking. This week: first attempt at a very easy apple crisp. Unfortunately, I was low on cinnamon, but it still worked well, especially with a bit of Culver’s frozen custard.

Had to ask the 12-year-old who Travis Scott is. I’m not nearly as embarrassed by that as I am by the fact that I learned he was a thing while waiting in a McDonald’s drive-thru line.

Not a fan of Sweaty Mask Face when picking apples. But one does what one must do for fall.

Note to self: Get the home office blinds fixed.

One of the purchases from my first visit to an honest-to-God, brick-and-mortar Catholic bookstore in months. Eager to dive in this weekend.

Labor Day weekend reading.

Been either too tired, too lazy, or too depressed to post here lately. Or I’ve just forgotten about this space.

Here’s stuff I’ve posted elsewhere in the past week or so. It’s all about the animals lately.

We almost lost Mark Mothersbaugh of DEVO to COVID-19.

How’s closed captioning reads “2-nothing Sox!”

I watch White Sox games regularly, and I was still startled when Jason Benetti casually used the word “legerdemain” in the second inning this evening.

NPR declares that the house dress (i.e., caftan, muu-muu) is back. As someone who alternates these days between yoga pants and inexpensive skirts for the sake of comfort, I couldn’t be happier.

The home office goes full-time

My company decided not to renew its lease on the suburban site where I’ve worked for the past 5 years. So, I am officially now working from home full-time.

The decision not to renew the least didn’t surprise any of us; more people based at that office had been working from home, anyway, and our footprint there had been shrinking. Those of us who remained had assumed we’d just be relocated to a smaller space.

One or two folks are requesting to be relocated to the Chicago office, but that office was largely full before the pandemic. But we’re told that space might open up should many workers based there decide to keep working from home. (The company shut down all its offices in mid-March and is now saying offices won’t reopen till early next year.)

Frankly, I’m fine with this. I miss the camaraderie of the office, and I miss my colleagues, though we connect daily via phone, email, and regular GoToMeeting gatherings. But with the COVID-19 situation, I’d rather hunker down. And I’m enjoying reworking my home office now that this is going to be my full-time workspace. I’m moving my crafting and stationery supplies (including my typewriter) up to the bedroom desk area, which I need to clear out. There’s lots of boxes of stuff there that need to go to Goodwill. And I don’t craft much these days, so a lot of those supplies may go, too.

Anyway, C said I need to think about ways to upgrade the home office. Moving out the craft/stationery stuff to the bedroom desk area will help make room for another bookcase, and I need another bulletin board. I’m keeping all my Catholic books in the home office, as I still spend a lot of time there to read, pray, and use my personal laptop for streaming video (religious and otherwise) and writing.

So, the home office is becoming much more of an office. But it will likely remain my favorite room in the house.

Our Sunday. (Photo by Frannie)

Glad I don’t work from home for the Springfield district.

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp turned out to be a gateway drug. Now I’m sucked into New Leaf.