Back to work today. Wish F and I were still in St. Louis, strung out on frozen custard and Provel cheese.

Took F and one of her best friends to see “Princess Mononoke” at a local theater and then Starbucks afterward. Not surprised to learn more about Frannie’s middle school life in one afternoon than I have in 3 years of asking her “How was school today?” every weekday.

We got dessert at St. Louis’ oldest frozen custard stand. I went over my carb limit again with a “Crater”: vanilla frozen custard, hot fudge, devil’s food cake, whipped cream, and evil. (I also walked 10,000+ steps at the zoo.) Will be better about the carbs starting tomorrow.

Joining a parish with periodic tamale sales after all Masses is one of the best spiritual decisions I’ve ever made.

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Refreshed after a daylong silent retreat at my parish on the Passion. After a rough week of frustration and extended family drama, I’m deeply grateful for this jumpstart of my Lenten season.

Despite the joy of a twofer kind of cool day—my kid’s birthday and the Feast of the Annunciation—I continue to be stuck in the middle of a painful dispute that heated up this week and involves people dear to me. If you’re one to do such things, please pray for me. Thanks.

Population drops in California’s urban centers: “We are in this new demographic era for California of very slow or maybe even negative growth,” a demographer tells the Los Angeles Times.

The New York Times discovers commonplace books!

Way behind on Franniepalooza preparations for F’s 14th birthday today. Grateful for a work-from-home job that (a) has flexibility, and (b) things have been slow at the office.

It’s Mom’s birthday today. She would have been 91. Had some lumpia – albeit frozen from Seafood City, not homemade – to remember her by. It was, of course, not nearly as good as hers.

Happy birthday, Mom. Wish you were here.

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Wordle is a gateway drug to the Spelling Bee game on The New York Times crossword app.

C and I play it over breakfast or after dinner. We’re on a streak at the moment.

This is the kind of Winter Olympic coverage I need: “What is Ice Dancing and is It Different From Figure Skating?

Here’s a fascinating explainer of how Spam became such a big deal among my people – part of an Atlantic podcast series that, in essence, opens a whole Spam can of worms about its cultural impact.

Wordle saves lives, people: “Family was concerned woman didn’t text her daily score.”

Decided to get a jump on the game for Friday. Discovered that the game now has New York Times branding. That didn’t take long. 😐

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