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Anybody got suggestions for a good intro to basic Anabaptist theology? Asking for my curious Catholic self.

I’m so used to Calvinist-versus-Arminian evangelical talk in social media that I’m unsure where our Mennonite et al. friends land in my admittedly poor understanding of Protestant theology.

Todd Grotenhuis

couple parameter questions, if I may:

  • article or book length?
  • academic or colloquial?
Joyce Garcia

@toddgrotenhuis I'd be fine with either length; definitely something more colloquial at the outset. Thank you!

Joyce Garcia

@JohnBrady Thank you, John! Will look for this. It certainly sounds like a good start.

Todd Grotenhuis

First, bear in mind, being a confessing/believers church, there will be variety within expressions of faith. That said, these could all get you started:

Todd Grotenhuis

Here's a very short blog post I wrote a few years back.

Todd Grotenhuis

hit you up over on the other site :D

Joyce Garcia

@toddgrotenhuis This info and your blog post are exactly the kind of guidance I wanted — just some basics and launching points for further exploration. Thanks, Todd!

I do expect variations in thought among groups, but I look forward to reading about Anabaptist roots and commonalities to start.