The Fluffbucket Diaries

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The cult of longevity

I’ve grown weary of being beaten over the head with the insistence that I do this or that to improve my health – the term “epigenetics” is particularly triggering for me – and live to be 100 or more.

If living until forever means nagging the people around me to be healthy, consuming only supplements and things I hate, and ending up alone and friendless, I’d rather die now.

Given the people who are barking at me incessantly about this, the term “narcissism” seems apropos here.

“… living to 100, even 120, may not equal a better life, especially if a fitter body isn’t accompanied by agency, hope or sharp cognition. There are ethical concerns as to whether it’s responsible to desire a century of life in a time of climate crisis, an expanding global population and an epidemic of loneliness, particularly if our partners and peers may not be there to share it. To some critics, the financial and time investments in a longer life — or, more precisely, the hope of a longer life — suggest an extended exercise in narcissism, so many more years of Me Time.”