The Fluffbucket Diaries

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Weeding the “Gardens” again

Still thinking about the film “Grey Gardens” as I listen to a “Grey Gardens” podcast and wait for my membership to a “Grey Gardens” Facebook group.

Here’s what I wrote in part to join that FB group (edited):

“I’ve been meaning to watch the movie for years; finally viewed it, and there was an immediate connection, particularly with Little Edie, who I now consider my newest patron saint. It was also triggering, as Big Edie reminds me too much of my own late … mother and Little Edie lives the life my older sister ended up living with her. … I thought (a) there but for the grace of God go I, and (b) my heart breaks for Little Edie as it does for my own sibling.

“There’s certainly many things far deeper than all that in this film, but that initial connnection was my gateway into this wonderful world.”