The Fluffbucket Diaries

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Been spending way too much time on the old Masto site. Already thinking of getting a second account on a Catholic-oriented instance to align with my dormant Rosa Mystica commonplace site based on

Not a ton of Catholic content, not like on Twitter; though Catholic Twitter could be toxic and obnoxious, it had the kind of orthodoxy that aligns with my basic beliefs. On Mastodon, I’m following an awful lot of Anglicans and Episcopalians, with a smattering of other progressive Christians. It’s at once refreshing and challenging.

Would love to see on Mastodon some of the priests I follow elsewhere, like Frs. James Martin and David Abernethy; Catholic tweeters like Tommy Tighe, Greg Hillis, and Matt Swaim; and other thoughtful Christians such as Beth Moore and Joy Clarkson.

Right now, Masto feels like a progressive Christian echo chamber, and that bothers me as much as the “rad trad” Catholic crowd on Twitter.