The Fluffbucket Diaries

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The idea of Fresno having a “historic center of progressive bohemia” does, on the surface, sound laughable. But the L.A. Times calls it exactly that in its article today about the Tower District neighborhood, where I spent my happiest months in the city. More specifically, the Times is focusing on the uproar over its centerpiece theater being sold to – gasp – an evangelical church.

I have fond memories of living in the Tower District, which did somewhat live up to that bohemian label, even 30+ years ago – well before the Rogue Festival and gay film festival that apparently started well after I left.

I named one of my cats after a Tower District bar, which I’m thrilled to see is still around, even though the wonderful Chicken Pie Shop – where I’d take my family for great weekend breakfasts of linguica and eggs long ago – is not.