The Fluffbucket Diaries

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An abundance of caution

At the moment, we are a two-parish family living among three dioceses: I attend Roman Catholic Mass in the Archdiocese of Chicago, I take my daughter to an Episcopal Diocese of Chicago parish where she is able to receive Communion, and we live within the boundaries of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Joliet.

As of this writing, the Chicago archdiocese has suspended public Masses until further notice; our Episcopal parish reportedly is canceling services over the next three Sundays, and the Joliet Catholic diocese is suspending public Masses this weekend. So, I have Saturday afternoon off (I attend the vigil Mass at my Roman Catholic parish) and get to sleep in Sunday. There is always spiritual Communion, yes, but I’d rather be at church.

Meanwhile, we just learned that the middle schooler is getting an extra week of spring break starting next week; when she returns to school, she will be doing the e-learning thing for at least a week. I actually had to pick her up from the bus stop (which is barely a block from our house) because she had to lug her school-issued Chromebook AND a big bag of stuff out of her locker in addition to her backpack (with a zipper that broke today) and lunch bag.

And then, as mentioned before, I’m under orders to work from home.

I’m not really liking this New Normal business.